Reflections on my altar to mark my 33rd trip around the sun.
Hello community, new and old. I’d like to share a little of my heart with you today.
Reflections on my altar to mark my 33rd trip around the sun.
Hello community, new and old. I’d like to share a little of my heart with you today.
I’m sharing all of this because it’s so important to me that you feel safe with me. To feel safe, there must be trust, and usually for trust we must start with some knowledge and experience of each other.
I’m also sharing this today for posterity, for myself, to crystallize what feels like a rebirth on this 33rd birthday.
I am a Persian Jewish woman, raised in Colorado by a single mother from Iran, with my angel of a brother, the best man I know.
I am an herbalist in the folk, ancestral, and community traditions. The herbs are my family and I am grateful for their wisdom and connection every day.
I am a ritualist. I much prefer ritual over routine, and the difference is radical.
I am on my own healing journey. I am doing the work, and it’s terrifying and heavy and liberating and beautiful.
My womb lead me here, to where I am today, to sharing myself here with all of you, to my relationships and my home and my work and all of it. Not just the physical journey my womb and I have been on together, but the wisdom she has shared with me on that journey, too.
I have had chronic pain and illness from endometriosis, uterine fibroids, ovarian cysts, SIBO, POTS, and a whole host of other acronyms and funny sounding words for about 20 years. The modern medical system in this country has not often been able to help me, so I found my own way. And it works.
I am in love with the magic of our hormones and the symphony they play with all our body systems.
I live in a love story with our senses, imagination, and intuition, and my fervent hope is to share that with you.
I am vowed to ancestral healing for now and for all descendants.
The heart of my life is compassion for all, loving awareness, Knowing and remembering the oneness of all things.
I am forever balancing awe and wonder with grief and rage. Such is to be human.
I believe in epigenetics, somatic healing, our own sovereignty, wisdom, and intuition, and the sentience of each of our body elements and of all bodies around us, including the plants and the body of the earth.
I believe in the well within us, digging deep for our own clear waters of abundance, truth, and wisdom, and I believe in the wheel of healing, which is a blooming spiral, not a linear road of mile markers. We may come across similar experiences and lessons we’ve seen before, but we are further and further out from our origin point than when we began, each time.
I believe in and honor every day sacred cyclicality - of our bodies, of the earth, of time.
I am enamored with the power of our periods, the beauty of our blood, the magic of our menses.
I believe in genderfullness, no matter what our bodies look like. I believe in reverence for our bodies, for all bodies, for their wisdom and aliveness. We are all in sacred vessels.
I believe in sacred sexuality, in “radical,” enthusiastic, informed consent, sacred yeses and righteous no’s, even each of us with our own bodies.
I am forever learning to cherish, evolve with, build relationship with, and honor my body.
I am a reformed lawyer, a reformed people-pleaser, a reformed goody-two-shoes. I am re-formed.
I am a forever student.
I am a forever dancer.
I am forever evolving.
I am sensitive and intuitive, and I was terrified of this as a child, and sometimes I still am. And now I know it is power and a gift.
I am an animal, just like you. I have hackles and fangs and fur that pricks up when I know something is wrong.
I am a birth worker in progress, a semi-secret poet, a home for innumerable stories I hope to someday finish and send out the nest.
I am a voyager of the dream world, which has always been an incredibly rich and visceral place for me, where I travel space and time, learn lessons and heal, receive stories fully formed, and often remember as clearly as I do memories from waking life.
I am a guardian to a black cat, a velvet voidling with green galaxies for eyes, who sings to me all day long.
I am a midwife to healing, and that is all that I am. You are your own healer. I am here to hold space, hold up a mirror for you and your light and your truth and help you connect with your highest self.
I am so much more infinite than can be encapsulated into words, just like you.
I am in awe of my community of plant and animal allies, all healers, including the humans I am lucky to root and grow with.
My greatest honor would be to be known as someone authentic and brave, soft and strong, playful and warm and sovereign and trustworthy, connected to the magic of existence, and above all compassionate, who other beings feel safe with, for them to be free to be seen and loved for their whole selves, and as someone who is always cultivating healing and right relationship with our world, human and beyond, as someone who sees myself and our species as guardians of life, including and far beyond humanity, and, absolutely, including you.